
Visualisation, Manifestation, and the Universe’s Timing : Navigating the Paradox.

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“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

In the realm of self-help and personal development, a common piece of advice is to visualize what you want and feel it as if you already have it. The idea is that this practice aligns your thoughts and emotions with your desires, signaling to the universe to manifest those aspirations into reality. However, a seeming paradox arises when we consider that the universe doesn’t always grant our wishes immediately.

The contradiction lies in the tension between actively envisioning our desires and the universe’s apparent discernment in delivering them. It’s often said that the universe may withhold certain outcomes if we are not ready for them or if they are not in our best interest. This introduces a layer of complexity to the straightforward notion of “ask, believe, receive.”

One possible reconciliation is to view the universe as a discerning force, understanding that it may withhold certain desires not as a punishment, but as a form of protection or redirection. Sometimes, what we think we want may not align with our long-term well-being or personal growth.

The paradox invites us to embrace patience and trust in the universe’s wisdom. It suggests that the timing of our desires may be just as crucial as the desires themselves. Perhaps the delay in manifestation is an opportunity for internal growth, preparation, or a chance for us to refine our goals.

Rather than fixating solely on the end result, we can appreciate the journey and the lessons embedded in the waiting period. The universe’s timing may be guided by a deeper understanding of our needs and the intricate interplay of events that shape our lives.

As we visualize our desires and feel them as if they are already present, we navigate the paradox by acknowledging that the universe’s orchestration extends beyond our immediate comprehension, shaping our lives in ways that honor both our aspirations and our growth.


Work as a Marketing Consultant @ Tejas Realtors in Delhi NCR in India with my Business Partner and friend Mr. Om Arora.
I studied at Mayo College, Ajmer (Batch of 1973). MBA from the University of Lucknow (Batch of 1982). Have 30+ years of Corporate Experience in a Multicultural environments mostly in Contracting. Have been Mentoring Startups and also worked briefly for a Law Firm in Gurgaon. Travelled extensively and lived in the Middle East for over 26 years. Currently living in Gurgaon, India.

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  1. “Don’t ask for what you desire, it shall automatically come to you what you deserve. …”

    If you exhort for what you think is best, you may not get it, but trust Him, He will give you the best what He decides for you.

    Absolutely superb article Amit ji. A beautiful philosophy on a pragmatic perspective of life.

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