Life Relationships

Resonating at Higher Frequencies

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The concept of frequencies, often associated with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, posits that everything in the universe, including emotions, vibrates at specific frequencies. Emotions are considered energetic vibrations that influence our overall state of being and interactions with the world. According to this concept, emotions like love and peace are believed to resonate at higher frequencies, while emotions like fear and anger vibrate at lower frequencies.

When we experience emotions like love, peace, joy, and gratitude, we align ourselves with higher vibrational frequencies. These emotions are characterized by feelings of harmony, compassion, and interconnectedness. They are believed to have a transformative effect on our consciousness and well-being, promoting healing, personal growth, and spiritual evolution.

The idea that positive emotions increase our frequencies to higher levels suggests that by cultivating and embodying love and peace, we elevate our energetic state. This elevation is thought to have profound effects on various aspects of our lives, including our ability to manifest our desires.

In the realm of manifestation, the concept suggests that our vibrational frequency influences what we attract into our lives. Proponents argue that when we operate from a place of love, peace, and positivity, we become more aligned with the frequencies of abundance and manifestation. This alignment allows us to attract experiences, opportunities, and circumstances that resonate with our energetic state.

How exactly does this process work? While it’s challenging to provide concrete scientific explanations, proponents of the concept often cite principles of quantum physics and the law of attraction. According to these principles, like attracts like, and energy follows thought. Therefore, by maintaining a high vibrational frequency through positive emotions, we send out energetic signals that attract similar frequencies and manifestations into our reality.

Practices such as visualization, affirmations, and gratitude are often employed to align our thoughts and emotions with the frequencies of what we desire to manifest. By focusing our attention on positive outcomes and maintaining a state of love and peace, we create a powerful energetic resonance that enhances our ability to manifest our intentions.

For those who resonate with these ideas, cultivating love and peace as a means to raise vibrational frequencies and manifest desires can serve as a powerful tool for personal growth, empowerment, and creating a more fulfilling life.


Work as a Marketing Consultant @ Tejas Realtors in Delhi NCR in India with my Business Partner and friend Mr. Om Arora.
I studied at Mayo College, Ajmer (Batch of 1973). MBA from the University of Lucknow (Batch of 1982). Have 30+ years of Corporate Experience in a Multicultural environments mostly in Contracting. Have been Mentoring Startups and also worked briefly for a Law Firm in Gurgaon. Travelled extensively and lived in the Middle East for over 26 years. Currently living in Gurgaon, India.

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